Tag: Thriller
The Watermen
A stalk-and-slash film with very little stalking or slashing, little happens until the inevitably contrived conclusion.
The Monk
An unusually restrained Vincent Cassel is a pleasure, but it's a drawn-out story that runs out of steam before a rushed conclusion.
Enough strands are left to ponder to deem writers Bruce Wood and Scott Poiley as worthy of keeping an eye on.
The Cabin in the Woods
A perfect introduction to the genre, accessible enough to reel folk in. The rest of us will go giddy counting the references.
Sometimes They Come Back
A painfully average film, its classic horror status somewhat baffling. Purchase to complete your Stephen King collection.

A Horrible Way to Die
A non-linear approach wears thin, initial intrigue giving way to frustration as the story continually dances away with the cuts.

The Raven
John Cusack as Edgar Allan Poe is immensely watchable, but the story is downgraded to a bog-standard thriller.

Straw Dogs (1971)
This 40th anniversary edition, hosting a plethora of extras, is surely one of the year's most essential releases.

Straw Dogs (2011)
The dumbing down of the violence to tiresome torture porn, robs it of its parallel to David Sumner's psychological shift.

Buried Alive
A required watch for fans of Frank Darabont, creator of The Walking Dead, if only to see what a difference 20 years can make.

Death Bell
Believes itself brutal, when in reality a small number of strong images are tied loosely together with a basic story.

The Silent House
Florencia Colucci is superb, easily shouldering the film. Also impressive is some genuine creepiness courtesy of clever lighting.

Julia’s Eyes
A mixed bag and too ambitious for so early in a career, however Guillem Morales should be noted for the future.

5150 Elm’s Way
A confused affair that is a bizarre mishmash of clashing styles, with the barest of subplot revealed in just one line of dialogue.

Peeping Tom
A timeless and sublime masterpiece that presents an incredibly intelligent and moving picture of psychological struggle.

Dear Mr. Gacy
Low budget, not particularly well acted and with a basic script, yet somehow, this film manages to elicit goosebumps.

A great example of how the first-person horror subgenre works its magic, but it also highlights some of its core flaws.