Tag: Psychological

When horror breaks rank and explores the raw realities of postnatal depression, we’re witnesses to something even more terrifying.

Brooding cinematography, jarring audio and an oddball cast build a sense of tension and paranoia that looms like a black cloud.

Inherit the Witch
For a few rare moments it all comes together for something approaching chilling, but the finished results are lacking.

Lovely, Dark, and Deep
Consummately juxtaposes the staggering beauty of its locations with their immense (and somehow suffocating) vastness.

She Will
Haunting cinematography and subtle, constant terror are a perfect reflection of the patriarchy’s oppression of women.

Sick & Beautiful
A surreal psychodrama charged with urban decay and all the hopeless decadence a 21st Century audience could ever want.

The Righteous
A reluctance to spiral into the supernatural or grotesque prevents The Righteous from landing its message with conviction.

Father of Flies
Unreliable characters in an ethereal setting drive this powerful parable on disintegrating families and stolen childhood.

A nuanced study of dementia and its alienating effects; an exceptional screenplay creates thematic cues throughout that can be felt in every microfibre.

The Inner Friend
Much like the work of Don DeLillo or David Lynch, the narrative summons more questions and mysteries than conclusions or answers.

Castle Rock
A compelling plot explores Stephen King’s core themes while creating something truly unique with his mammoth bibliography.

Ambiguous and beautifully insidious as result, Rift is an impressive sophomore effort from Icelandic filmmaker Erlingur Thoroddsen.

Presented as more a thought piece than coherent story, Observance is a truly psychological film and effectively unsettling.

The Messenger
A missed opportunity for exploration of the relationship between mental illness and the supernatural.

An Evening of Irish Horror
With their ingenious recreations of radio productions from a bygone era, the troupe afford us a glimpse into the past.

Can’t Come Out to Play
What could have easily been melodramatic drivel is rendered surprisingly powerful with certain moments packing an emotional wallop.

Wake Up, Maggie
An audacious effort that should be given praise for its unrepentant Maggie, portrayed with fearless honesty and confidence.

What’s Left of Us
Boasts edgy performances and a script which focuses on the here and now rather than excessive backstory.

The Sleeping Room
At times the film feels rather muddled, but atmospheric tension and taut pacing ensure it remains compelling.
Devil in the Woods
Delivers a number of tired tropes amidst a bland screenplay that largely consists of tedious, drawn-out padding.

A wonderful beginning to a story that promises surreal, and what follows calls to mind David Lynch in its dreamlike quality.

FrightFest: In Fear
A smart screenplay delivers an effective psychological thriller that wastes no time in initiating a tension that remains taut.

Stark, exhilarating and utterly lacking in compromise, Andrzej Zulawski's film is an emotionally brutal watch.

Masquerades as a teen horror comedy, but the real story is the degenerative mental condition of the lead character.
Rosewood Lane
Really, this is average TV drama fodder at best, plodding its way to a clumsily made point that makes little sense.
The Harsh Light of Day
An arduous affair with a cringeworthy script that provides no value for the subgenres it attempts to straddle.

Berberian Sound Studio
Strangely accessible for a giallo come art-house film; a pleasure from beginning to end, with lavish attention to detail.

Straw Dogs (1971)
This 40th anniversary edition, hosting a plethora of extras, is surely one of the year's most essential releases.

Straw Dogs (2011)
The dumbing down of the violence to tiresome torture porn, robs it of its parallel to David Sumner's psychological shift.

Evil Things
On the whole achieves its aim of imitating amateur home video, as director Dominic Perez steers the ship to a solid finale.

The Silent House
Florencia Colucci is superb, easily shouldering the film. Also impressive is some genuine creepiness courtesy of clever lighting.

A cruel indictment on contemporary Japanese youth and their despondency, which unravels its cruel web satisfactorily.

Peeping Tom
A timeless and sublime masterpiece that presents an incredibly intelligent and moving picture of psychological struggle.