The story follows Sasha, who isn’t your typical vampire. She feels empathy rather than lust when she sees humans in pain. Her refusal to claim her first victim drives her family to despair. But when Sasha finds Paul — a depressed teen willing to offer her his blood and his life — they form a bond that helps them learn what it truly means to live.

What makes Humanist Vampire Seeking Consenting Suicidal Person so brilliant is its perfect harmony of warmth, humour and absurdity, driven by Sara Montpetit and Félix-Antoine Bénard in their adorably awkward lead roles. Louis-Seize’s unique exploration of the theme of consent is also noteworthy, transforming the victim-vampire dynamic into a symbiotic relationship reliant on mutual trust and respect. And that, perhaps, is exactly why this picture is such a delight: its faith in its characters, dialogue and directorial vision, rather than gore and gimmicks, elevate it into a fable about morality. The result is arguably one of the most memorable entries to the bloodsucker canon in recent memory.

Sara Montpetit
Félix-Antoine Bénard
Steve Laplante

Ariane Louis-Seize

Christine Doyon
Ariane Louis-Seize

21 June 2024

Posted by Jim Reader

Jim is a London-based journalist who has worked for a number of titles, including Bizarre, Vogue, Boxing News and the Daily Sport. He graduated from the University of Nottingham in 2009 and became a Master of Research in American Literature in 2010.